The world is currently facing both a significant global waste problem and a finite supply of raw materials. WYRON truecycled® addresses these problems simultaneously by turning textile post-consumer waste into high quality products.


Around 100 million textile fibers are produced every year, of which only 1% are recycled. This means 1.7 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions per year from new production.

One of the major challenges we face with textile waste today is the prevalence of products made from a mixture of different fibers. Take, for example, a typical pair of jeans, which includes not only cotton but also a percentage of polyester and a bit of elastane to improve its performance and comfort. These materials are blended together to form a yarn and then a fabric. Additionally, textile products like fashion pieces often consist of multiple fabrics and accessories, such as buttons, zippers and other parts, which can be made from different materials or material blends. This complexity makes it difficult to sort and recycle them back to their original forms on a fiber level.

Unfortunately, much of the post-consumer textile waste is still either burned or sent to landfills due to the lack of practical usage for these blended products.  Valuable resources are already being  processed into insulation products through recycling. WYRON truecycled® goes one step further and is committed to an even longer service life for materials by producing a high-quality technical yarn. It results in the cascading use of mixed materials, which is a more sustainable approach to textile waste treatment.
